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SATS reports 10% membership growth and strong EBITDA improvement compared to the second quarter of 2021
SATS presented today the results for the second quarter of 2022, and could show a membership base of 671,000 members, up 10% from last year.
Revenues increased by 53% to NOK 1,022 million, while adjusted EBITDA reached NOK 83 million, up from last year's NOK -113 million. SATS now has 267 clubs, which represents an increase of 13 club from last year.
- The market for exercise and health is recovering from the pandemic, and we strongly believe that SATS’ competitiveness has been strengthened. We are proud of our members, who on average are more active now than before the pandemic, which shows that they are successful with their training. The number of visits per member is an important key figure for SATS, which gives a good indication of our contribution to public health, as well as the loyalty in the member base, says Sondre Gravir, CEO of SATS.
Despite the megatrend around health and lifestyle, however, it takes time to get all members back on track. Surveys across the Nordic region show that those who exercised less before the pandemic have now reduced their activity level even further, while those who were most active before are more active than ever. This trend is also evident among SATS' members.
- Our main focus going forward will be to grow the member base, which is expected to raise profitability. This is also important in order to deliver on our vision of making people healthier and happier, Gravir concludes.
Going forward, SATS will continue to open new clubs and see good opportunities to consolidate the market through acquisitions. There is also great potential in the current club portfolio and the company is therefore investing heavily in the existing centers, to inspire more members to a higher level of activity.
SATS ja ELIXIA yhdistyivät vuonna 2014 ja muodostivat johtavan kuntokeskusketjun, jonka visiona on vaikuttaa merkittävästi pohjoismaalaisten terveyteen ja elämänlaatuun.
SATS- ja ELIXIA-kuntokeskukset tarjoavat modernia ja toiminnallista harjoittelua, personal trainingia ja ryhmäliikuntatunteja Suomen, Norjan, Ruotsin ja Tanskan suurimmissa kaupungeissa. Pyrimme myös auttamaan jäseniämme harjoittelemaan keskustemme ulkopuolella erilaisten digitaalisten työkalujen avulla. Olemme markkinoillamme aktiivisessa roolissa innovaatioiden kehittäjänä ja lanseeraamme jatkuvasti uusia liikuntamuotoja ja uusia digitaalisia työkaluja treenin tueksi.